High Risk Numbers

Share faster and wider for more effective prevention

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It’s time to act together to minimise the effect and cost of fraud. The ability to exchange and analyse high risk numbers quickly, provides all participating operators with an accurate, comprehensive and valuable resource of global intelligence on fraudulent traffic.

Key features and benefits:

  • Enables fast sharing of traffic-fraud data to operators around the world – the intelligence is more valuable when distributed within 48 hours of identifying an issue
  • Reported numbers from primary source in one place, including labels and comments – contributing operators, CFCA and historical GSMA HRRL are all appropriately tagged
  • Speed up fraud numbers alerts, ensuring valid partners network numbers and ranges are not blocked.
  • An easy-to-digest view of the threat reports – for analysis directly on the digital platform or externally

Please apply to access the high risk numbers only service – free of charge for GSMA operator members

GSMA Fraud Intelligence Service is powered by RoamsysNext, this means they manage the service delivery on behalf of the GSMA. Your information will therefore need to be passed to them in a secure manner. RoamsysNext will not use your data for any other purpose other than delivering the GSMA Fraud Intelligence Service.